Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ebenezer Church of the Nazarene

well, we've been here, meeting in our home for church, the boys in dylans room for class for the last 6 months, and after a very LONG process, we got the keys to our first church space yesterday!!!! wow..is it really happening? it is. in many ways we're SO ready, then sometimes i think, r we? getting that "third space"..neutral space, a community presence, brings us to a whole new level..busyness? commitment? we're about to really step into it (not that we haven't been walking it, believe me). i will admit, not having to make sure my house is spotless every sunday at 10am with two small boys who wake up at 7:30 is one of the blessings for this new change :). we started small groups (one men's, one woman's) this last week..the men are walking through jonh eldredges "fathered by God" which ben would advocate every man to read and the women are doing beth moores newly revised "breaking free" study...and i love the place we're at!

our desire is to bring the church back into the center of the community, to affect its surrounding, change it and help it become again the thing that shapes our society....it may look different than many are used to, but the truth is the same. we are compelled to be the redemptive force in our community...to walk alongside the broken, to serve and love without expectation, to help people discover the creativity that is in them is Gods glory shining inside of them and then call them into a journey beyond their dreams with Jesus!...talking about it makes me ready for revival :)

so , we're in a storefront, not a big space, but it's "ours" and we're going smack ourselves in the midst of our community and love them the best we know how. we're in a neat spot, right by the walmart and right next to a hair salon, who shares our building, so thousands of cars pass by our doors a day...although we hope their first time meeting us won't be inside that building. there is a bit of TLC that needed done, so we worked with the owner to exchange our labor for some rent..renovations started today (pics below)..we're hoping we can be in in a couple of weeks! stay tuned for more pics as renovation progresses. turning one bathroom into two..got walls studded and ready. one small step done!

i will admit, my sister is the missing piece in this journey/puzzle..she had been walking every step of this process with us and its difficult to experience these moments without her. i want her to see what Gods done, i want her here to celebrate with me and i've so needed her in the ups and downs this has all brought. i know how excited she'd be...she was a part of building my confidence to walk this faith journey out....
i am anxious to see how he plans to use this current community of 11 believers to change the world!

Join us where you are in proclaiming this prayer:

Lord, we stand here,as desperate people hungry for the things of You.

Come, quiet the storms that rage all around us

so that we hear the passion that beats in Your heart.

Spirit, put healing in our hands, put life in our words,

and drive a passion for the lost deep into the hearts of Your people.

Inhabit the praises of us, Your children

and Father, send us out with a reckless passion.

Deliver us from evil and set a standard of unity to break down walls

and to heal Your people.

Unity is the cry of Your church, Lord. Reconcile Your children to their Father,

and with forgiveness and mercy, rush through the hearts of our land.

We cry out our deep need for you, Jesus.

Oh God, come in power and bring glory to Your name.